
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, ٢٠١٣

Creation from nothingness

When the physics and cosmology scientists spoke about the idea of ​​ the Big Bang and the creation of the universe, centered most diligent on the idea that the big bang came from a central point where all concentrated material explode. This was the point contain a measure of the density of matter cannot imagine. When you scratch this point exploded, leaving volatile materials in each direction. He became the universe expands and grows to become as we are seeing now. This interpretation is the only acceptable explanation so far because there is no other explanation refutes this idea, but there is another explanation may be more general and more comprehensive will shows in the following lines In fact, the space is created from nothing. If a tiny vacuum space is allowed to expand, some energy/matter will be generated as the Einstein equation E=mc2. As the figure shown below, there is a piston is released from any gas and moved is X direction by a huge force with high speed (nearest to