
Looked at me with little eyes and rolled her words as she tells me stories of harassment faced since she was small, until this moment. Not ashamed of her or even disappearance of her words or outlines. The despair sound is overlooking among her words. No longer feel any joy or pleasure in her life. She was a kind of realistic people which would not pour tears or feel sorry. She did not want sympathy but only ears to listen to her. How much we need to talk when we reach to fall. How much we need love when we are in the harshest of weakness. I listened curiously because I would have started to like her voice. I could hear such rumors before but I have never seen it face to face so it has attracted me. And how not, however its red line and we always block our ears to listen about such subjects. She started to talk about the monk who harassed her when she was seven years old. She had not realized what happen in that time but after grew up and having gathered stories of harassment the whole pictures became clear and visible. This monk was a teacher in her elementary school. This school was one of the hard lines of religion schools. I do not know why not surprised of this speech, maybe I have found all the prosecutors of religion speak falsely. I did not try to explain this anomalous behavior but I would have liked to hear her conclusion about that subject after long thinking. The question which we try to answer is why the all images of homosexuality come from religion extremists?  And our answer was the following:
That religion in its current form has destroyed the human mind and made him stand in the border could not move. The policy of religion has been established from outdated and afterwards the man came and build thick fence cannot access it to get the glitches in it. When religion becomes worshiped idol, it closed all ports to reach to the human mind.  So the sick man becomes happy and the fit becomes ill. And as much the crises happened to the human, he tries to find an outlet for his concerns. The religion comes as salvage at that time of hardship. So you find all backwards nations would increase the religion to ranks of the god. In that environment, the religion books worshiped and the apostles deify and the quacks become prophets and thousands of people come behind everyone talks by religion. And to complete the tragedy, one of these patients comes to govern a society of patients. Meanwhile the all values collapsed and homosexuality increased and the human becomes animal who unable to distinguish between right and wrong. At final scene the people has been broken up into two categories. First category claims to honor by religion and they are many. Second, category of disbelievers and they are few. So the prosecutors of religion come to fight the unbelievers and the chronic conflict start between them. Fields covered by murder, thieves and looting and fraud by name of religion. After that the unbelievers increase because they are not belief the argument which the other has said. After all you find the country has divided into parts and the curtain fall on the heads of everyone. In the final she was doubt in every think related to the religion and that was I expected!!


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

هدهد سليمان ( قراءة جديدة )

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أسماء قداح الجاهلية